my favourite books

  • my favourite books
  • the lovely bones - Alice sebold
  • the shopoholis series - sophie kinsella
  • connections - Shelia o' flannagan

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

day 4 19/4/11

activity: start a new trend!

my trend: well lets just say that im not sure anyones going to copy it! i wor a kinda side fringe to school but the frnge was long enough to touch my arms. lets just say i looked rediculous!i hope its worth it because im doing all this for all my readers.


Thursday, 14 April 2011

day 3 16/4/11

activity: make a fool of someone.

you will need:

a coin e.g. 20p
some super glue/ nail glue

1. go to a busy street / shopping centre
2. spread glue on one side of coin
3. stick the coin on the floor outside a busy shop
4. wait and watch for all the innocent people to try and pick the coin up!
 ( it was soooooo funny)
come back next time to see what else i have instore!!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

day 2 15/4/11

activity: make a sceen in public.

right to start off with i called round to my mates house to see if she was coming out, she was, so we made our way to sainburys. when we got there we pretended to look aroung, and we innocently went past the costomer services desk - with they speak into a micro phone and call out things e.g a missing person.   after a while we whent into the toilets and dabbed water round our eyes - to make it look like we were crying- and headed out towards the costomer services desk. when we got there i told the lady ' that i think i lost my sister in the shop' then she goes to me ' whats her name' and i go ' Assa  A, S, S, A  Wole W, O, L, E'. then she calls out on her microphone - wich can be heard all around the shop- 'assa wole can you please come to the costomer services desk'! It was sooooo funny ( because it sound like ass hole)! i had to run out quickly saying ' oh look shes there!' to stop myself from laughing in her face!

thanks for keeping upto date.x                       gabyx

p.s. sorry if my writing is a bit dodgy im wearing fake nails!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

day 1 / 12.4.11

well here goes... activity one: run up an escalator the wrong way.
Running up the down- have u ever tried it? No? well trust me it's harder than it sounds.

so i whent to the shopping centre, whent in primark and found the escalator. i looked around checking for security- none looking my way- and set to work. i waited till the last person came off , the i sprited up! i got till about the second step when i started to feel out of breathe- it wasn't because i'm unfit it was the escalator, it was so fast! i thought i could make it i was nearly at the top and... ' oi get down here!'. oh the shame.i was pushed out the shop by the security guard. DAMN!          well i tried so now thats 100 more things to do , but atleast ive done 1!!

come back tomorrow to see what i have to do next - and if i can do it!!!
